Thursday, November 16, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/08/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In giving it thought overnight - within the dynamic created through the modern conveniences and that "go no where" cycle of existence (which seems to ebb and flow) - things seeming to change though staying the same - a type of human has managed to flourish which would not have survived before, simply because the larger process did not afford it as history has proven.

This type of individual displays (most times covertly) a sort of desperation which is historically only seen in declines. Within this "new dynamic" that desperation is sustained and afforded even to the point now of holding some perceived importance over the most basic of human direction(s) and what otherwise is seen as a standard human disposition. This seems to arise from and as result of a somewhat warped perspective pertaining to "commerce/power."

The desperation seems to fill their entire lives - it replaces all of the simple importance that modern convenience provides for - displacing it with what can only be seen as miserable desperation.

I am not talking about being impoverished here... and I am not talking about a level of concern which is common in many aspects through out society, for a given result for instance - but more that element of almost pure desperation that becomes lost in and of its own effort within that.

This is found mostly in the extremes from what I can tell, but not necessarily in the extremes of attained wealth or station - more from distorted perception of what such may entail.

This desperation seems usually fueled with a combination of cowardice and greed in various forms - a lust if you will to be seen of some wealth or station, recognition whether deserved or not.

In turn this appears to have produced an area within existence which is hard to explain. A complete disregard to the tune of malice even within the flexibility of it all, for even that which has afforded the things seemingly worth wanting so badly that they would damage their own existence simply to be perceived as being a part of it in the manner which is seemingly of their perception.

I am sure that similar leverage has always been to some degree, but in the modern dynamic such has been amplified and distorted to points which could very well be a threat to even the species itself in several ways.

In considering that, it occurs to me that as history has gone with rises and falls of societies and cultures - when combined with that amplified mental illness of sorts and the all encompassing ease and connection of most "civilized" cultures in the modern day, that the next "fall of a society" in that re-occurring pattern, could very well be all civilized human societies.

This is in no way meant to be "doom saying" - I only happened on the thought in considering how "small" the world has become in social senses through modern communications and more so to the degree at which they are depended upon and even blindly trusted. As well there is a growing factor as I have addressed previously pertaining to a sort of isolation within the ever growing presence of consistent electrical fields of influence - and further the ever progressing saturation of the human species physically - with man made chemicals.

As a person may observe readily in most "civilized" societies, this isolation and removal from that natural process too far, would seem to have begun to have its effect. This being seen in noticing someone in the common walks of people - or even several, that have extremely similar physical traits as some very popular television celebrity for instance, around the time of their own beginnings.

What this illustrates to me, especially in comparison with the observation about the more subtle similar traits in people I have known who are not overly exposed to modern media, is that the isolation (and magnification) seems to over power the normal process in motion of that larger influence within normal "connectivity" and proximity in producing these uncanny examples of "duplication" as they appear.

Further what I feel such illustrates is a loss of so much else in that normal process - which in turn means that with such limitation, then in fact a more inferior version of human is produced. "Inferior" meaning it has been limited developmentally quite obviously within those imposed influences, and thus will surely be different in other ways as well - perhaps a subtle reduction in capacity? Perhaps some physical short coming which will only surface as the person ages - perhaps only in their continued strain?

This aspect in conjunction with the ever increasing man made chemical intake - and subsequently the proven effect of actually putting people more at risk to some sort of affliction in weakening the normal levels of resistance - then truly makes for a "regression" of the human species (as we know "progression") and further, non-progression which - at that larger level of consistency again points to the growing possibility of at least a species debilitating "fall" within the same historic pitfalls and patterns of previous societies, as they again occur within that amplified modern dynamic while having been forgotten through and within the supposed "progress." ~

There is definitely some sort of trade off within such an aspect.

This would then lead a person to immediately and firmly separate the "two" dynamics of "modern" and those not yet so far separated from and in the effort to combat this.

In my own belief, such would be no better than is the continuing growing isolation and saturation in many forms of the human species.

It seems that such would create a dynamic of extremes, and giving it thought - within that growing, warped perspective due to the "progress" of society within the modern dynamic - a vacuum effect from that area of "churning" if you will - fueled eventually with pure desperation, which would in turn mount and amplify itself as those "areas" being "fed" upon grow more and more sparse. Resulting eventually in the sterilization of humanity, if not that "larger fall" - and probably a very slow demise at that, wrought with growing ignorance derived from that supposed progress, and further perhaps even as/of illnesses on many levels yet heard of. ~

To actually address this progression and problem, it would seem that it would first need to be established that such is a very real possibility - and then agreed to and concurred with on both "sides" of those extreme examples... and then of course seek to reverse the effects of it somehow, for the benefit of everyone.

Once such "contracts" were entered into, it would then be necessary from my perspective, to then establish a sort of integration as it were - at various points in and between those two existing extremes for the purpose of stabilizing the ill effects of that over saturation - then further to eventually reverse them so to speak. Hopefully in a manner which would preserve the efficiencies found in the modern forms of societies and technological advance.

The immediate dangers I can see in such a social endeavor, are in that distorted desperation seeing such as a ripe opportunity to immediately benefit from - but such I suspect is simply of the "progress of the human species" in a social sense. Otherwise, one or several levels of society would have to be left out of that motion in implementing some social structure... which of course would only amount to ill feelings and suspicion, which in turn would negate the effort in and of itself as things have gone.

I see these dangers to be very similar in respect to those present in "saving a drowning victim" - though in this larger social sense, those dangers are more fueled with distorted greed and desperation.

Another potential danger I can see in this line of thought is of course the human arrogance - and within that, coupled with human tendency, though in a different form being that of insisting upon further saturation of chemicals for instance - will suffice in replacing that connectivity which is of existence.

When you consider it, that over saturation is really yet another form of over amplified imposed "structure." This version being of the more physical sense.

Admittedly, the possibilities of it to improve human existence is staggering - but as well the dangers are quite present. Especially given the problem of the "win/lose" dichotomy - such "architecture" would then need to be established and integrated "vertically" as well as "horizontally" and most definitely beyond the common "linear" perception - and further I feel this would need to transpire somewhere beyond the "win/lose" areas of existence, which fuel both "versions" of said extremes (being saturated and non, so to speak).

I laugh to myself as I increasingly find what our species called human to be of- there again is great potential to insight the "win/lose" dynamic between those "modern" and "more natural" areas of existence. Then further is the question as to whether or not it is at this point possible to stabilize that "hyper-stimulated" modern dynamic - much less reverse the effects of it.

Would it be worth the effort given the possibility of such effort (even as hypothetical conjecture) only being transformed into feeding that desperate element as if some form of sustenance meant only to feed the non productive and non reciprocating elements always so ready to simply devour - and further being afforded as such in our modern dynamic?

It is truly amazing that within our modern ease of living and all of the conveniences and pleasures to be had, that such desperation would not only exist, but flourish and further have been set into motion within and most likely because of abundance itself.

I personally have trouble seeing why such desperation and self perpetuating misery is even tolerated to the degree which it seems to be, with all else that is - but that wanders more into ethical areas which I am not to address this evening.

And further, knowing that it is impossible for me to be the smartest guy on the planet, it would then stand to reason that someone somewhere not only had a use for it, but as well promotes it as a growing human standard and preferred direction of development within the continuation of society.

Such reason for said, elude me presently.


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